Herbs…oils… so many healing things we have access to!

Isn’t it actually kind of amazing?? All of the things that are already put here on this earth, created for our use and enjoyment, and so many of them have the ability to heal!! It’s truly incredible and the more we use science to extract the healing properties from these plants and herbs, the more healing made available to everyone!!

In these super wild times of 2020, so many emotions, concerns, joys, loss, sadness, depression, anxiety… all hard to process well! The body soul and spirit must combine energy to bring about change and healing and the ability to process through and come out the other side, better than it started.

One herb that has been studied more recently is ROSEMARY! It smells so good, and is such an easy plant to grow! So many uses and benefits it has, but an BIG and important one for today especially is its ability to help with anxiety and depression. It has been tested against some of the common drugs given to help with these issues, and has proven to be as effective, without all the crazy side effects. That’s saying something!

So - get yourself some rosemary tea, oil, capsules, whichever way you can get it in and on you, and let its healing powers go to work for you. We all need help in different ways, and this is just one more GREAT option for help.

No matter what is coming, there will always be more answers than problems, more fixes than breaks, and more LOVE than hate. That is how He created it to be, and that is the beauty of this world we live in!


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