How do we protect our health?

What does it mean to protect your health? For me, it means protecting all of me.. body, soul and spirit! We can’t only look at one part of us and think we are doing all we can to preserve the whole.

Right now in the middle of the crisis state we are in, it is even MORE important to address every aspect of ourselves. To realize how much our emotions alone affect our health, is critical to not neglect! In this blog we will address some of the PHYSICAL side.

Most would probably say ‘stress’ is something they feel more than normal right now. There is a direct physical response in the body to stress, and it is designed to raise your heart rate, increase your brain function, and put you in a position to take an action and do so effectively. But if our mindset about stress is it is a negative thing we need to avoid, we will do whatever means we have to avoid it! Yet - if we experience stress around something, it is a sign that this situation, person, etc matters to us. If it didn’t, we wouldn’t stress about it!

All the more reason to look at how can we see this as a positive. How can I use the extra motivation, energy etc that is flooding my body to create a productive outcome verses finding ways to make it go away? Yes, non stop stress at this level is not a good thing, the body needs breaks for sure. But if we acknowledge our feelings, state what we believe is causing it, as in naming it, we can then ‘see’ it differently and can decide better how to address it.

The physical body needs help during these stressful times too, and even non stressful times - to support the immune system, and keep the body strong! Our immune system loves support, and there are key items that offer great support!

VITAMIN C… VITAMIN D… VITAMIN B Complex… MAGNESIUM are all Key! And for added bacteria and virus protection, ZINC, LYSINE, OLIVE LEAF EXTRACT and Silver. None of these are very expensive, but offer great benefits! When I want to protect my system, taking a label recommended daily dose is fine. When I am FIGHTING something I will at least double the label dose, on most things.

Look for ways to build your immune system, like LAUGHING!! It DECREASES the stress hormones, and INCREASES the immune system - how great is that? We don’t even have to FEEL like laughing to give it a go… sometimes all it takes is to start.

PLUS - SLEEP… EATING WELL… EXERCISING.. even if its just dancing around your house, are HUGE boosters for the body and the spirit! Negativity breeds disease, and certain mindsets that can take us away from where and who we are called to be. So let’s help each other with the basics while we have time to look at life a little differently, with a HUGE dose of HOPE for our future!


8 Top areas we need to consider cleaning to keep us healthier:)


It’s a wild time in history, what do we know?