What do you want in 2020…

Isn’t that a huge question? Can’t we all produce a good list of the things we want to see change, or new things to experience this year? Of course, but what is it going to take to accomplish any of them? A stronger will? A more intentional thought process?

How about looking a little deeper into what we believe about our ability to make changes, our ability to accomplish that thing right in front of us? When I have set a goal, or a plan to do something new, or make a change in my life, I have failed as many times as I have succeeded! Many times I haven’t taken the time to look at what I truly feel about whether I can or not.

Yes, our choices must be made or we wont ever start doing anything differently, but what do we believe about our ability to accomplish the choice we just made?

Am i going to just see if I can change my behavior in an area, or pick up a new way of doing something, but not address my ability to do it? Well, for me if I choose that route it means no long term success! We can mind over matter for awhile, but then our will is all that is left to keep it going. I need the ability to actually make lasting change!

So… where do we go? To the belief about the thing we want to work on. Do I truly believe I can do it? Do I believe I have what it takes to do it? Do I believe I am worth it? Really worth it?

These are great thoughts to put down on paper and write out what we believe. Hopefully we can see where our beliefs are getting in the way and need a little revamping:) Take a minute and ask… what do I believe about this? About me and my ability to do it?

Let TRUTH win, and pull on the belief that there is the ability to do WHAT YOU BELIEVE you can do, all the time! It’s not crazy to believe in you, its not arrogant or wrong, it is how you were made to be! The creator gave us ALL we need to do and be all that we desire. So, lets go for a new truth, a new plan and new paths to venture down this year.

You got this!!


It’s a wild time in history, what do we know?